Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Backwash of the Carbon Tank

Just want to respond to the question of Nightwing regarding the backwash of the Carbon tank. First, it is important to know that MMDF and Carbon tank operates in different principles.

MMDF is particle filtration and Carbon tank is adsorption filtration.Particle filtration involves trapping of particulates and other suspended solids while adsorption filtration involves adherence of organic contaminants and other substances that are carbon based,simulation of this concept is the relation of magnet and metallic objects,the magnet is the carbon and the metallic object is the organic contaminants.
When we talk of carbon tank, it is important to consider the absorptive property of the carbon media to ensure that said media elements is doing it’s function effectively and in doing so, outer surface of carbon granules should not be obstructed with particulates so that adsorption will be efficient,( place a wood in between the magnet and the metal object).
Usually MMDF is placed before the carbon tank, MMDF takes charge of the particulates so that carbon will not be affected with huge amount of suspended solids and can concentrate on adsorptive function(One unit complementing the other concept)
Assuming that the MMDF is functioning effectively, back washing of carbon may not be done frequently.We just co relate the theories of MMDF tank that was discussed previously.What is important is to monitor the efficiency of MMDF tank in terms of turbidity so that carbon tank will not suffer from particulate build up.

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